
来源:志了个愿     发布日期:2024-06-04


Part I  Listening Comprehension









9.答案:C。男士认为自己的面试“couldn't feel worse about it”糟糕透了。所以答案是感觉很失望。

10.答案:C。男士认为这部电影很糟糕,既浪费时间又浪费钱。“It was worth neither the time nor the money.”可见他很不喜欢这部电影。


Section B

Passage One

11.答案:C。文中提到天空是无色的“the sky has no color”。文章进一步解释天空看似蓝色,那是因为空气中的灰尘折射了阳光中的蓝色光线所造成的。

12.答案:A。文中提到飞机离开空气是无法飞行的,因为飞机“need air to lift their wings”需要空气来托起机翼。


Passage Two

14.答案:C。文中提到美国人从11月底“during the last days of November"开始庆祝圣诞节的活动。

15.答案:C。文中提到从圣诞节活动中获益最大的为商家。商家get 60% to 70% of their yearly earnings During the Christmas season有望在圣诞节活动这个月获得年收益的60%70%

16.答案:B。美国人在圣诞节期间除了各项常规庆祝活动外,they also do many special things to help each other,他们也会做许多特别的事,互相帮助。

Passage Three

17.答案:D。文章第一句话就提到在美国各大城市provide international sample of foods提供各类国际化餐饮。选项D为其同义转述。

18.答案:C。文中提到在底特律,there are many people from Western Europe, Greece, Latin America and the Far Fast.有很多来自西欧、希腊拉丁美洲及远东地区的人。所以底特律There are many other international restaurants,有很多国际化餐馆提供这些地区的餐饮,人们因此能享受不同国家不同地区的各类餐饮。

19.答案:D。文中提到One of the most common international restaurants to be found in the United States is the Italian restaurant在美国各大城市最常见的国际化餐馆为意大利餐馆,很多美国人enjoy Italian food喜欢吃意大利菜。


Part II  Reading Comprehension

Section A

Passage One





35.答案:C。推理题。全文主要阐述如何对待疼痛,可以猜出withstanding pain表示“忍受”疼痛。

Passage Two

36.答案:C。细节题。从题目中since 1973 定位到第四行。The people of Davis, California, have succeeded in cutting their energy consumption by 1/3 since 1973.自从1973年以来加利福尼亚的戴维斯市已经成功削减了三分之的能源消耗。也就是说他们现在消耗的能源是 1973年前消耗的能源的66%

37.答案:C。细节题。第一段第六行New houses must also face north or south, so that they will not be overheated by the sun in summer.新房子必须要朝南和朝北才能不在夏天被太阳晒后温度过高而导致消耗过多能源。

38.答案:D。细节题。从第一段第 十行开始讲到了城市的交通工具。Buses partially supported by the city transport university students throughout the area.部分公交车是由城市财政支持的,所以A不正确。公交车运输的是大学生,所以B也不正确。here are 24 miles of bicycle paths24 英里长的自行车道,没有提到与公交车道的长度比较,所以C不正确。后半句讲到today there are twice as many bicycles as cars in the city城里自行车的数量是私家车的两倍多,所以D是正确的。

39.答案:D。细节题。倒数第三句、第四句和第五句讲的都是减少泊位后的好处。1. reducing the number or cars in the city. 2. the greater number of small cars. 3. People are choosing not to drive. 4. People are driving fuel-economic car.城市里面车辆的数目减少了,小车的数量增加了。而且有更多的人选择不开车或者开小排量的车。由此ABC都有提到,所以D不是减少泊车位带来的好处。

40.答案:B。全局题。作者为什么提到这个城市并作为典型、在文章开头和结尾都有提到energy conservation节约能源,所以B是正确答案。

Passage Three

41.答案:D。细节题。文章第一段讲到了树木的三大作用: 1. they provide him with wood and other products; 2. they give him shade; 3. they help to prevent droughts (干旱) and floods.第二 段开头又谈到man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important人们往往没有意识到第三个作用是最重要的作用,所以D为正确答案。

42.答案:A。细节题。从题目中2000 years ago定位到第二段:Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire.两千年前一个富裕而强大的国家砍伐了所有的树木制造战舰,帝国得以建立。本段最后一句话提到without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by floods and starvation 这个帝国最终分崩离析.因为没有了树木,全国面临饥荒和洪水。所以A为正确答案。

43. 答案:D。细节题。第三段提到,The villager wants wood to cook his food with; and he can earn money by making charcoal (木炭) or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. 乡村居民砍伐树木烧饭、出售制成木炭赚钱。唯独不愿种植和照看新树林。所以D为正确答案。

44.答案:A。细节题。选出不属于树的作用选项。从第一段可以知道B是对的。 从最后一段可以知道,树木的根会扎进泥土,使得雨水可以渗透进去,而且同时固定住了泥土。所以CD也是对的。

45. 答案:A。主旨题。文章主要论述的是树木第三个作用,所以A是正确答案。


Section B



46.答案:J。此处需要一个名词。the past表示过去。通过研究历史我们可以向过去学习。

47.答案: H。此处需要一个名词。have an opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事。

48.答案:C。此处需要一个动词。 ask与前文的questions构成动宾关系。


50.答案:A。此处需要一个名词,likely outcomes表示“可能产生的结果”。

51.答案: B.此处需要一个形容词修饰range. a broad range (of)是固定词组,意为“.大批,大量的”。 a broad range of human experience表示“囊括了很多人类的经验”。


53.答案:D。此处需要一个名词,后面括号中举例的文学、艺术和音乐art, literature, and music都属于文化的范畴。

54.答案:N。此处需要一个名词,后面举例的生气、嫉妒和没有安全感等anger. greed, and insecurity都是人类的情感。



Part III  Integrated Testing

Section A

Section A

56.答案:Cever before是固定搭配,“以前”,强调before。科技的发展比以前快。

57.答案:Bbe attracted to“被所吸引”,也即“这个观念引起很多人的思考”。

58.答案:Aby doing表示方式方法。他们可以通过研究自己的家庭历史进行反思。

59.答案:Bfind out是固定搭配,“发现、查明”。

60.答案:Bwhat they did他们的祖先来自哪里,做些什么。

61.答案:Acountries with a fairly short history 表示那些历史相对比较短的国家。

62.答案:B。固定句型It is one thing... it is quite another...表示:“...是一回事,...是另一回事”。

63.答案:Cgo through是固定搭配,表示“浏览(一本书等)”。

64.答案:Ctake steps逐步。逐步开展对家庭历史的研究。

65.答案:Cquite 解析见62题。

66.答案:Dset about意为“着手做某事”,后加名词。set on doing决心,决意。set off (for a place)动身,出发。set out to do开始,打算。


68.答案:Aavoid problems本来可以被避免的问题。miss错过;lose丢失;escape逃离。

69.答案Cbe connected with ...联系。选项AD都与介词to搭配。



72.答案Aby doing表方式方法。

73.答案Bget in one's way固定词组:阻碍、妨碍。

74.答案Cget started着手做某事。


Section B

76.答案:plants, thickened resin定位至第一段第三句话。

77.答案:chicle。 定位至第二段第四句话,replacesubstitute同义词替换。

78.答案:to discover by chance/ accident。偶然发现。第四段第-Much like Adams's discovery of chewing gum, the invention of bubble gum was also an accident和口香糖的发现一样,泡泡糖的发明也是一种偶然。接下来的这句讲的是Walter Diemer1928尝试改进口香糖配方时是如何stumbled upon the invention偶然发明泡泡糖的。

79.答案:less sticky and more stretchy ( than regular chewing gum这几个词语不写不扣分),定位至第四段倒数第二句话。

80.答案:the invention (or history) of chewing gum (加了bubble gum不扣分)(by accident)注:该题只写chewing gum0.5,只写invention不给分。




Part I  Listening Comprehension


Section A


1. M: The air-conditioner in my room is broken, so I can't work.

W: Why not going to the office?

Q: What does the woman mean?

2. W: Let's go and see whether there are any seats left for that new French film.

M: Whenever we go out of town you want to see some awful French film.

Q: What do we know about the man?

3. M: Have you got everything now?

W: No, I still have to get a pound of butter, two pounds of lamb and some apples.

Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?

4. M: I think I heard the telephone ring two or three times.

W: Sometimes when the windows are open you can hear the neighbor's phone.

Q: What does the woman mean?

5. W: Are you still teaching at the junior high school?

M: Not since June. My brother and I opened a restaurant as soon as he got out of the army.

Q: What do we know about the man from this conversation?

6. M: Of the two houses we saw today, which do you prefer?

W: I think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger garden, so I like it better.

Q: Why does the woman like the brick house better than the white house?

7. M: To get to the zoo you can take a T30 bus from here, but then you have to walk about three blocks.

W: That doesn't sound too bad.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

8. M: The train leaves every thirty minutes. You are five minutes late for the 7:30 train.

W: Sorry, I have to catch the next train.

Q: When will the next train come?

9. W: How did your interview go?

M: I couldn't feel worse about it. The questions were very fair but I seemed to have no answer for any of them.

Q: How does the man feel about the interview?

10. W: What do you think of the movie?

M: It was worth neither the time nor the money.

Q: What does the man think of the movie?

Section B

Passage One

What is the sky? Where is it? How high is it? What lies above the sky? I am sure that you have asked these questions. They are very difficult to answer, aren't they? If someone asks you what color is the sky, I expect you would answer blue. I am afraid that you will be wrong. The sky has no color. When you see blue, you are looking at blue sunlight. The sunlight is shining a lite bit of dust in the air. Is the sky full of air? 1 am sure you have asked this question too. We know that there is air around the world. We could not breathe without air. Airplanes could not fly without air. They need air to lift their wings. Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner. If we go far enough away from the earth, we find there is no air. Perhaps we can answer some of our questions now. What is the sky? Nothing. Where is it? It is all around the word. The sky is space. In this space there is nothing except the sun, the moon and all the stars.

Questions 11-13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. What is the color of the sky according to the passage?

12. Why can't airplanes fly without air?

13. Which of the following is false according to the passage?


Passage Two

Christmas is America's most popular holiday. Some people attend church to observe Christmas as the birthday of Christ. For others Christmas is just a day of fun and celebration, a time for family and friends to get together, exchange gifts and enjoy a huge Christmas dinner. During the last days of November, American homes and stores begin to be decorated with Christmas tree and bright lights. Schools and churches prepare special holiday concerts. People go to parties, buy fun gifts and prepare special Christmas food. Some people criticize Christmas. They say it is not religious enough. They say the holiday has become such a big business that Americans forget it was created to honor the birth of Christ. It is true that some people spend a lot of money during the holiday season. Store owners expect to get 60 to 70 percent of their yearly earnings during this month before Christmas, however, … point out that Americans also do many special things to help each other at Christmas time. One international organization assists more than two and one half million people in the United States each Christmas. The organization gives out toys, warm clothing, food and many other kinds of aid.

Questions 14-16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. When do the Americans usually begin the Christmas activities?

15. Which of the following benefits most financially from Christmas according to the passage?

16. According to the defenders of Christmas, what special things do Americans also do at Christmas time?


Passage Three

Most large cities in the United Sates offer international samples of food. Many people enjoy eating foods of other nations. This may be one reason why there are so many restaurants in the United States. A second reason is that many Americans come from other parts of the world. They enjoy tasting the food of their native land. In the city of Detroit, for example, there are many people from Western Europe, Greece, Latin America and the Far East. There are many restaurants in Detroit which serve the foods of these areas. There are many other international restaurants, too. Americans enjoy the foods in these restaurants as well as the opportunity to better understand the people and their way of life. One of the most common international restaurants to be found in the United States is the Italian restaurant. The restaurant may be a small business run by a single family or it may be a large restaurant owned by several different people who work together in the business. Many Italian dishes that Americans enjoy are made with meat, tomatoes and cheese. They are very delicious and tasty.

Questions 17-20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. What does the passage tell us about large cities in the US?

18. What does the passage say about Detroit?

19. What does the passage say about Italian restaurants?

20. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?


Part II  Reading Comprehension 


Section A

Passage One





Passage Two


Passage Three






Section B



Part III  Integrated Testing


Section A





Section B

你知道口香糖的发明是一个意外吗?自古以来,人们就一直在嚼类似口香糖的物质。有些是用增稠的树脂制成的,树脂是一种来自植物的物质。还有一些是由谷物和蜡制成的。但我们今天所知道的口香糖,是在1870年被错误地发明出来的,当时摄影师Thomas Adams与墨西哥将军Antorio Leopez de Santa Anna成为了朋友。

Santa Anna在阿拉莫反对德克萨斯人后,他被迫离开了他的祖国墨西哥。Santa Anna在纽约和Thomas Adams住在一起,并向他介绍了一种墨西哥人喜欢嚼的胶状物质——树胶。树胶是生长在中美洲热带雨林中的某些树木的乳白色物质。Adams想用树胶发明一种更便宜的橡胶替代品。他试着用树胶做各种各样的东西,包括玩具和胶靴,但他的每一次实验都失败了。


就像Adams发现口香糖一样,泡泡糖的发明也是一个意外。1928Walter Diemer,一个口香糖公司的会计师在费城口香糖新配方的实验时偶然发明的Diemer发明了一种比普通口香糖更不粘,更有弹性的口香糖。Diemer发现他可以用这种新口香糖吹泡泡。



Part IV  Writing


Media and Shopping

Today various kinds of media have been very popular and well-developed. An increasing number of people are enjoying the convenience of shopping with the help of media, especially on the Internet.

Every coin has two sides and purchasing goods through media is no exception. On one hand, it is very convenient and easy to do sopping on the Internet. People can save much money and time. On the other hand, there are a lot of problems. For example, people can not see the real commodity before shopping and may be cheated by the false information. People may also be concerned about the after-sale services.

In my opinion, shopping through media brings great benefit to our life, such as less time, more choices. At the same time, we need to strengthen supervision over the information released via media.


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