
来源:志了个愿     发布日期:2024-08-17


Part I Listening Comprehension


Section A

1. W: Finally, we were at home after two weeks’ travel in Spain. Sir, I’d like to see your pie menu. That’s the main reason why I came to dine here.

M: Oh, I am so sorry, but we aren’t serving pies today.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?

2. M: Last night, my roommate thought I was out. So when he left, he locked the door from the outside.

W: Then how did you get out?

M: I called my neighbor and gave him the key from inside.

Q: What happened to the man?

3. M: I still need a recommendation letter to apply to graduate schools.

W: Why don’t you use the one Professor Brown wrote for you last year?

M: I am afraid it’s a bit out of date. I’d better submit a new one.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

4. W: Bob, I hate to break the news, but our sales were down again last month.

M: Down again? I thought I’d better go back to the drawing board for a new advertising campaign.

W: I am sorry. But I have already found a new advertising manager.

Q: What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

5. M: Did you hear the weather forecast for Sunday?

W: Yes. It is going to be different from today, clear and sunny.

M: That’s great. We don’t have to stay at home and watch TV like today? There’s a live outdoor concert by the river on Sunday.

Q: What will the man probably do on Sunday?6. M: Gordon needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner.

W: He’d better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won’t not find any near the campus.

Q: What does the woman suggest Gordon do?

7. W: That’ll be 7 dollars and 50 cents, not 7 dollars.

M: Oh, sorry. I thought the fare to Washington was 7 dollars.

W: There is an additional charge of 50 cents if you buy your ticket on the train when the ticket office is open.

Q: How much should the man have to pay?

8. M: I was so surprised to see Helen using that camera you were going to throw away.

W: Yes, it’s very old. It amazes me that she got it to work.

Q: What does the woman mean?

9. M: Did you listen to the light music program on radio last night?

W: I didn’t. Because I was kept busy answering the students’ questions.

Q: Why did the woman miss the music program?

10. M: Excuse me? I don’t understand why flight 213 has been delayed. The weather seems fine now.

W: I am afraid New York got 3 times as much snow as we did here. It should be clear by morning, though.

Q: What can we learn from the woman’s reply?

Section B

Passage One

Recently, there has been a new study about children. It is found that children who drink 4 or more soft drinks everyday, may become more aggressive. About 3, 000 mothers, whose children were about 5 years old, took part in the study. The mothers made notes of how many soft drinks their children drank everyday within 2 months. They also made notes of their children’s behavior. The study found that 43% of the children drank at least 1 soft drink a day, 4% of them had 4 or more soft drinks everyday. The children who drank the most soft drinks were twice more aggressive than those who drank no soft drinks. For example, they may destroy other people’s objects, fight and attack people.

We still don’t know why drinking soft drinks can make children more aggressive. Maybe it is the caffeine contained in the soft drinks, which make people excited.

Questions 11-13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. How old are the kids in the study? 

12. How many children drink at least 1 soft drink a day?

13. What information do the mothers note down during the study?

Passage Two

What is it like to work in an office or in a company with no boss? Imagine in such an office or company, you could make all your own decisions and no one tells you what to do.

One company decided to find out if this could work. Crisp, a company in Sweden, decided to have no CEO. It tried several different management structures and made the decisions of having no leader.

Henrik works at Crisp company. He believes that it’s been a good change. He says, “The company can now act faster. If you want to get something done, you just stand up and start doing that.” Another worker, Frank, also says that workers are now more enthusiastic. Meetings are held several times a year and last 3 days. All the big decisions are made during the meetings. So, if this model works well for Crisp, could it work well for other companies?

One company tried out a similar plan but did not have the same results. Almost a fifth of its employees decided to leave. Its CEO admitted that maybe self-management is not suitable for everyone. He said that “total freedom” can often be confusing. “It doesn’t always feel good, because you no longer know what you’re supposed to do, what’s more important, who to work with, etc.”

Questions 14-16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. Why does one employee of Crisp company think the change is good?

15. What happened when the other company had no boss like Crisp?

16. What does the CEO say about “total freedom”?

Passage Three

Two scientists were trying to understand what most couples are really like, so they asked over 100, 000 people around the world some questions about their relationships.They find that happy couples help each other. That means neither the wife nor the husband does all the cooking or cleaning at home. About 42% said that they share their housework. Their partner is not the one who does all the housework, or the one who earns all the money. For example, 89 percent of couples in America, Spain, Canada, Philippines, and China, support their partner’s growth. Most happy couples allow their partner to change. For example, to try a new job or a new hobby. There are some cultural differences as well, for example, whether they show their love in public. The two scientists say that everybody wants romance. Women often expect men to buy flowers or go out for a romantic evening. But women don’t realize that men need romance more than she does. Of course, people do not always want the same things in the relationship. They may want something different when they are 60 years old compared with when they are 30. One important thing is that happy couples can listen to each other. If we try to be a little kinder, we may increase romance in a relationship.

Questions 17-20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. How did the scientists get the results of their study?

18. What is true of most Chinese couples?

19. Which of the following may differ across cultures?

20. How can couples increase romance in their relationship?

Section C

Thanksgiving, a national holiday. Turkey is also popular on (21)Christmas.In the past, half of all turkeys sold in the United States were eaten during the holidays. Now that (22)share is thirty percent, as more turkey (23)products appear on the market. Over the years Americans have been eating less (24)red meat and more chicken and turkey. Turkey is now the (25)fourth most popular meat.The National Turkey Federation in New York (26)represents the industry. The group says Americans eat two times more turkey than they did twenty-five years ago. Last year the (27)average amount per person was eight kilograms. Americans are second only to the French (28)in the amount of turkey eaten. The Israelis are third.(29)6%(或 6 percent) of turkeys raised in the United States are exported. Mexico is the top importer.Over the years, growers have developed birds (30)that are better for industrial meat production. A turkey hen lays eighty to one-hundred eggs in a season. To fertilize the eggs, reproduction is left not to nature but to the process of artificial insemination.

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