
来源:志了个愿     发布日期:2024-08-11


Part I Listening Comprehension


Section A

1. WHurry, please! Or Ill be late.

MSorry, Mam, but the traffic is thick this time of the day.

Q: Who is the man?

2. W: Tony was awarded a medal for saving several families from the forest fire

M: I really admire his courage

QWhat do you learn about Tony from the conversation?

3. W: When is John coming?

M: Wellhe said hed be here at 8:30. But as far as I know, Itll be at least at 9:00 oclock.

Q: What does the man say about John?

4. W:Just imagine we have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday. How can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?

M: Yeah, but what troubles me is that I cant find the book in the library or in the university bookstore .

Q: What does the man mean?

5. MHow long can I keep the book?

WFour weeks at most. You have to come here to renew it if you cant finish it in time.

Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

6. M: Where is Lily going? Is she going on a date?

W: She is 18 years old. She is not a baby. Besides, she always comes home early.

Q: What does the woman mean?

7. M: I have to go to class. But if I could, Id go with you to the movies.

W: Thats too bad. I wish that you could come along.

Q: Where is the man going?

8. MSo, how is your new roommate?

WShe really turns me off. Shes always making loud noises at midnight.

Q: What does the woman say about her roommate?

9. W: Fasten your seat belt, please.

M: Of course. I didnt realize that we were going to land soon.

Q: What does the man say?

10. MShe is really pretty, isnt she? Her skin looks so baby-smooth.

WWell, its just that she put lots of make-up on her face.

Q: What do you learn from the conversation?

Section B

Passage One

A man enters a store to buy milk. He walks out of the store with milk. That is all---milk. At the same time, a woman enters the same grocery store also to buy milk. She buys it. But, she remembers to buy food for her son to eat at school. She also get a bottle of wine for drinks for the friends and a birthday card for her husbands niece. Then she gets coffee for breakfast, ice cream for dessert and remembers stamps to mail the bills. And that is the difference between the female and male brains simply explained in a grocery store.

Generally speaking, men do one thing at a time. Women do many. Now scientific research supports this theory about male and female brains. A recent study has confirmed what we have known all along--- men and women think differently. Male brains have more connections on one side of the brain, or hemisphere (半球). In the female brain, they found more activity and connections between the right and left sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is known as the side of reason. The right hemisphere is known as the creative side.

Questions 11-13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11.Which of the following does the woman buy for her husbands niece?

12.Which of the following does scientific research support?

13.What are the specific research findings on the issue?

Passage Two

Today, we report about marathon races in the United States.

Forty-two kilometers is a long way to run without stopping. But as many as thirty-five thousand competitors with a lot of energy will try to do that on Sunday, November seventh. They will take part in the thirty-fifth New York City Marathon. This race is so large that competitors must take part in a game of chance to win the right to enter.

Two million people will watch the competitors as they run through the streets of America's most famous city. The athletes will run across five bridges and through the five boroughs, or areas, of New York City. These are Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Manhattan. The race ends in the city's famous Central Park.

Like other marathons, the New York City Marathon is an international race. World champions and Olympic athletes will compete. So will top athletes from twenty countries. The athletes will compete for prize money worth more than five hundred thousand dollars.

Many other cities in the United States hold marathons. For example, the United States Marine Corps Marathon took place last Sunday in Washington, D. C. and the state of Virginia.

Questions 14-16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14.How many people would watch the New York city marathons?

15.When would the race end in New York city?

16.Which of the following is true according to the report?

Passage Three

William Randolph Hearst created what was once the nation's largest newspaper organization. He bought newspapers in many areas of the United States. He spent millions of dollars to gain readers in sometimes shocking ways. He forever changed the American newspaper business.

George Hearst wanted his son to take control of developing the mines or the land he owned. But William had other desires. He became interested in newspapers while at Harvard. He started working as a reporter for the New York World newspaper owned by Joseph Pulitzer.

William Randolph Hearst wanted to create a newspaper that people would talk about. He worked long hours and put high energy into his newspaper. He employed some of the best reporters and writers he could find. And, he paid them the highest wages. Mister Hearst improved the appearance of his newspaper and bought modern equipment. He also improved relations with advertisers. Advertisers pay to have their products shown in newspapers to increase sales. Newspapers profit from the money paid by advertisers.

Mister Hearst attacked big businesses and dishonest politicians in his newspapers. There were also reports about sex, murder and other crimes. His newspapers became a voice for working people and the poor. His influence grew across the nation through his newspapers and the magazines he bought or started.

Questions 17-20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17.Who was George Hearst?

18.From whom did Mr. Hearst get money for his newspapers?

19.Which of the following is not true according to the report?

20. Which of the following is true of Mr. Hearst?

Section C
If you are sitting down listening to this Health Report, stand up. Move your legs. Touch your toes, if you can. Do anything (21)but sit.If you cut down your time you (22)spend sitting, you might live longer. New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might (23)extend your life by two years. The human body is (24)designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs (25)rarely give us the chance to move around.Just the (26)opposite, says Peter Katzmarzyk. The scientist says that sitting is ubiquitous in our lives, meaning it is something we do all the time, everywhere. But, he (27)adds, that does not make sitting good for us. “Sitting is ubiquitous in our lives today. You know, we sit while we’re eating, we sit in the car, (28)we sit while we watch TV and many of us sit for many hours at work. So on average, Americans report that they sit between (29)four and a half to five hours a day.” Exercise is important. But so is not sitting. Mr. Katzmarzyk says you may exercise often. But, he says even that does not mean you can sit for (30)the rest of your waking hours. “We can’t throw away physical activity. It’s extremely important.”

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