
来源:志了个愿     发布日期:2024-08-07


Part I Listening Comprehension
Section A
1. WWe should spend this weekend on the beach.
MHow about the whole week?
Q: What does the man mean?
2. W: Hurry, please! Or Ill be late. 
M: Sorry, MamBut the traffic is heavy this time of the day.
QWho is the man?
3. W: Her dress looks funny.
M: I wouldnt say that. They looks fine to me.
Q: How does the woman think of the dress?
4. W: Hello, Crystal TreeCan I help you?
M: Yes, Id like to reserve a table for dinner for six couples.
Q: How many people would come for the dinner?
5. MAre you going to the dinner party at my house?
WWhats your address?
Q: Would the woman go to the party?
6. M: Good morning, Im Mr. White. I answered your ad. for an experienced advertising executive.
W: Oh, yes. Mr. White. Wont you have a seatThe manager will see you shortly.
Q: What do we learn about Mr. White?
7. WHows Jim now? Is he feeling any better?
MNot yet. It still seems impossible to make him smile. Talking to him is really difficult and he gets upset easily over little things.
Q: What does the woman imply?
8. W: Brien says that Cambridge is a great place for conferences.
M: Hes certainly in a position to make that comment. Hes been there often.
Q: What does the man say about Brien?
9. W: Dr. Smith is an economist. He just finished reading a book on international trade.
M: Oh, thats my field, too. I work for the United Nations.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
10. MYou always bring a lunch box. Why?
W: Don’t tell anyone. I am on a diet. Fast food would make you fat.
Q: What do we learn about the woman?

Section B
Passage One
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main," wrote the poet John Donne in the 17th Century.
Some people seek isolation, but few choose to be lonely.
Loneliness not only makes us unhappy, but it is bad for us. It can lead to a lack of confidence and mental health problems like depression, stress and anxiety.
Studies have shown that one in 10 of us are lonely, but a report by the Mental Health Foundation suggests loneliness among young people is increasing.
At the same time, social changes such as the rise of the people living alone combined with an ageing population, are changing the way people interact with each other.
People feel lonely for different reasons, says Michelle Mitchell, charity director general of Age UK, but it tends to be triggered by a big life event.
"It can be poor health, illness, money, children moving away, feeling cut off from family and friends and the community, friends dying, a lack of access to transport,career problems or divorce. Often it's when people lose a sense of purpose and contribution.
Questions 11-13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11.Which of the following is false according to the reporter?
12.Among which group of people is loneliness increasing?
13.Which of the following was not mentioned as a factor leading to loneliness?

Passage Two
Have you traveled on any of the new giant airplanes? If you have not been a passenger(乘客)on one of these planes, try to imagine(想象)a jet which is more than seventy meters long and more than five stories high at the tail(尾部). Such a plane cost at least 25 million dollars to build. It costs at least $6,000 to fill(充满,灌满)this giant with fuel(燃料). Inside, the giant jet looks more like a great theatre than a plane. It has six kitchens and they are all needed when the plane is full of passengers. The jet holds more than 400 passengers. Imagine that number in one jet plane!
Is there any danger that the jets engines will fall? Fortunately, the plane appears to be quite safe. On each plane, there are twice as many engines as the jet needs. If two engines fail on the same side, the plane can easily use its other engines to land. There are also two mechanical (机械的) pilots(飞行员) to take charge (接管) if the human pilots cannot fly (驾驶) the plane.
Questions 14-16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14.What does the passage talk about?
15.How much does it cost to build such a giant airplane?
16.Why does the speaker say the jet plane appears to be safe?

Passage Three
One day, in 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, a black woman got on a city bus. The law at that time required black people seated in one area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them. The woman refused to do this and was arrested.
This act of peaceful refusal started protests in Montgomery that led to legal changes in minority rights in the United States. The woman who started it was Rosa Parks.
In much of the American South in the nineteen fifties, the front rows of seats on city buses were for white people only. Black people sat in the back of the bus. Both groups could sit in a middle area. However, black people sitting in that part of the bus were expected to leave their seats if a white person wanted to sit there.
Some popular stories about that incident include the statement that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat because her feet were tired. What she was really tired of, she said, was accepting unequal treatment. She explained later that this seemed to be the place for her to stop being pushed around and find out what human rights she had, if any.
Questions 17-20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17.Why did Rosa Parks get arrested?
18.Where did Rosa Parks probably sit on the bus?
19.What led to the incident according to Rosa Parks?
20. What did the protest in Montgomery bring about?

Section C
April is National Poetry Month in the United States. The Academy of American Poets started the (21)celebration in 1996. The goal was to help more Americans (22)add poetry to their lives.
The academy chose April as National Poetry Month because of a line in a poem. T. S. Eliot called April “the cruelest month” in his poem “The (23)Waste Land.” And many Americans think April is the cruelest month. They must pay their (24)income taxes by April 15th.
In the southern state of Florida, Miami Poetry Festival tries to bring a poem to every one of the 2.5 million people who live in the area. The group has (25)dropped poems out of airplanes, sewn them into clothes, and put them on every bus in the city.
Poetry is very (26)popular in the United States. America even has a chief poet, known as the Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人). Robert Pinsky was the Poet Laureate from (27)1997 until 2000. He started the Favorite Poem Project, to find out which poems (28)Americans liked best. Thousands of Americans wrote to Mr. Pinsky about their favorite poems. He chose two hundred poems by poets from the United States and (29)from many other countries. The poems are included in a book called “Americans’ Favorite Poems.” (30)It was edited by Robert Pinsky and Maggie Dietz.

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